“The best part about being in-love is when you just love a person & you are happy about it.
Even if that person can never be yours, even if you know it can’t last forever.
That’s the true essence of love –
It’s not about winning someone & it’s not about owning a relationship.
It’s about being happy because you know you’ve loved someone,
& it’s about being guiltless because you know,
that you didn’t take away someone from anybody.
You just loved, and loved unselfishly.”
it's been a long,long time since I last blogged here. i really neglected my blogpsot.
i miss ranting and raving about my everyday life,my sad pathetic neurotic life. heh.
sigh. there's so much i want to let out,so much kept feelings. it's really eating me up.
i need my happy pills,i need my friends,i need my crazy cliques. sigh. le sigh.
on a side note,have you people tried samurai burger from macdonalds?! my god!
it's so fucking orgasmic...... i should know!!! that explains,my weight gain. SIGH.
just after i have lost so much weight,i have to gain it back all over again. wasted effort. :(
well, i have to really stop eating and maintain the weight that i've achieved before this.
i need to! i have to discipline myself!!! GRRRRRRRRRRR!
“Maybe true love is a decision.
You know, a decision to take a chance with somebody.
To give to somebody. Without worrying wether theyll give anything back.
Or if they’re gonna hurt you, or if they really are the one.
Maybe love isnt something that happens to you.
Maybe its something you have to choose.”
there's so much about my life i would like to rave on about but parts of it,only.
nobody tell the whole world their life story for them to read and judge. no, no sane human.
and that's what you get, a broken,demented & damaged girl. like myself now.
i don't know where i'm heading. it's going to be 2011 soon. goodbye,2010.
dear 2010,you have been one hell of a roller coaster ride. i hope to leave you with peace.
and hoping that 2011 will be a better and more happier one. insyallah.
there's so much in 2010 i would like to change,so much i want to alter. but that's life.
what's past is past,you can do nothing about it. you just have to go with it.
and just hope that you'll learn from it & never repeat it. time flies,huh? how fast it goes.
with just a blink of an eye,we are welcoming 2011. it just seemed like yesterday it was 2010.
see how time past by you in a glimpse of an eye & then you can never get it back?
that's how it goes. I miss my ~52. :(
“There are some people who meet that somebody that they can never stop loving,
no matter how hard they try.
I wouldn’t expect you to understand that or even believe it,
but trust me, there are some loves that don’t go away.
And maybe that makes them crazy,
but we all should be lucky enough,
to end up with somebody who has a little of that insanity,
someone who never lets go, someone who cherishes you forever.”